Sunday, June 7, 2015


It is amazing how much the body adapts to new situations and settles in. It took me a couple of weeks to truly settle into Oxford again, to relocate those roots, but once I had, I was reminded why it was so hard to leave the first time. I've had a wonderful time this last week. It was a fairly social week with lots of role playing society and outside socializing activity. I finally punted and I got to relive some archery moments at Garden Party. In some ways, a lot has happened, and in others not much.

First, something that has been tumbling around in my brain is the word settle and the word normal. Whenever I tell people that I find being back in Oxford very normal, I am always quick to include that when I mean normal, I don't mean boring or mundane, but natural. Similarly, I think it is easy to hear the word settle and think of a lowering of one's self. We settle for okay, because we can't have fantastic. But when I use the word, the only thing that comes to mind is comfort, foundation and support. Settling also evokes the idea of permanence or immobility, which I suppose is not always negative, but is similarly a double edged concept. It seems to me that normalcy and settling are very much understood in context and carry socially juxtaposed values. There is a sense in which all of this is very much obvious, but I can't help but pay it particular note in these past few weeks. Enough of my linguistic ramblings and back to what you are actually here for.

I've been really enjoying role playing again. Role Playing Society game this week was a thrill as I did a pretty good job conning a number of people and got to play around with some acting breath. I'll refrain from going into too much detail as I know there are parts of the society which are among my readers. Let's just say that I got to dress up a little more than usual and got to convince people of a not entirely true reason for that. Playing with people's perceptions of vulnerability and see what weeks of trust have bought me is an enjoyable acting experience. The downside of my success though is that I did have one of the only hand full of permanent in game deaths, but I look forward to playing out the consequences. Something that I think is difficult in role playing and something that many players including myself struggle with is the idea that failure or destruction of your character is sometimes more fun than success. New challenges and creative thinking are required when you play yourself into corners and that is often where the best games come from. I'm looking forward to playing the last session this Tuesday.

Not much later in the week, I went punting with my boyfriend and some of my archery friends, including the ever re-occuring Sara. I was pleased to find that I did have some innate knack for punting after only a quick demonstration. It was a lovely day as well. This week has brought with it some of the nicest and warmest weather which I have been relishing most days. We also enjoyed some ice cream and lounged in Baliol's quad for the afternoon.

The next day, I went to Regent's formal for the first time in a year with Sara. It just so happened to be the recognition dinner and so the dinner was particularly fancy. I had a great time catching up with everyone from regents and getting hyped for the ball this coming weekend.

The following day, I went on a picnic with The Coven and some people from RPGsoc. It was so nice that we spent easily 6 hours snacking and lounging in the park. We bought a paper and did the crossword and somehow ended up in wrestling matches. People came and went at their leisure and I quite enjoyed it. When we did retire for the evening, we played a quick and easy free form RPG called Big Mutherfukin' Crab Truckers which in this particular group got quickly out of hand. Set in space, we sideswiped a space whale and fired on the crab media before taking over the crab media mother ship in order to transport the core of the dessert planet 'whatever youcallit' made of McGuffinite to the octopi of octopaedia that needed to survive. Our ship was the Good O' Rick Roll. So, from that, I hope that gives you a taste of the ridiculous nature of the game.

My week ended with garden party. I got to see old friends and make a few new ones. I got to drink pims in nice warm weather, get only a little sun burnt, and watch people play croquet. It was another relaxing day filled with socializing which is exactly what this extrovert loves. Now if I could only ignore the twinge of anticipation that breaks me down when I see the Oxford Airline bus pass by and refrain from checking my application statuses.

And if that wasn't clear, there is still no news. But it will be ok, I have a busy week ahead of me. Intrusion, a goth club night in Oxford, on tuesday along with the final session and the ball for Regent's this weekend. I'll try to settle in this moment for now, because it brings me the most happiness and makes me feel the most alive. I'm not settling for anything but what makes me happy.

Until next time! Adventures await.


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